5 Fitness Tips for Beginners

Starting to exercise can feel like a daunting task, especially if you have no idea where to start.
Exercising can help you lead a healthier lifestyle, but for beginners, embarking on their fitness journey for the first time can be a little scary.
That’s why we’ve found five fitness tips to help you start exercising from the get-go:
Start Small
Set small daily goals for yourself and aim for consistency. It’s much better for you to walk every day for 15 to 20 minutes, than to wait until the weekend for a three-hour exercise marathon.
Find an Exercise that Suits You
Try jogging, walking, dancing or cycling for 30 minutes about three to five times a week. Find which of these best suits you and that you enjoy the most, so that you can do it regularly.
Get an Exercise Buddy
Find a friend to exercise with you. It’s often easier to stick to your exercise routine when you have someone to keep you company.
Listen to Music
Many people find it’s much easier to exercise if they’re listening to something they enjoy. Distract yourself during exercise by listening to music, an audiobook or your favourite podcast.
Be Patient
Remember to be patient with yourself when you start a new exercise program. It will take about four to eight weeks for most people to get used to an exercise routine, so stick with it in order to see results.